Week 5 - Self Study 4 - Simple Game

Self Study 4 -  Simple Game

This week 5 in selft tutorial 4 we imported last week tutorial to implement new game assets. This week we learned how to create a “Spawner Empty GameObject” and “Spawner Prefab Enemies” and add them into our last week scene in Unity. In this task we set the enemies to find the current location of the player and take the health down. We also added a “Health pack GameObject” and use it in the scene for the player to recover health.

We also used Trigger detection script in our player so when enemies collide with the player, the player will lose health and enemies will die.

Enemy Spawner:

Enemy Spawner

1.Fig: Enemy spawning from a empty game object with scripts in the prefab object to find the location of the player in the tearrain map. Also taking damage as it collides with the player.

Health Potion:

Health potion

2.Fig: Player interacting with trigger health pack to increase health value. 

Health Potion - Game Object

Overall. In this week self study, I added more assets to my game sample to improve the gameplay functions. I am very happy with the results of these last few weeks as they have been very helpful  with improving my skills in Unity.

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