Player Movement

Player Movement Devlog: 

In this Devlog, a blog explaining in detail the process development of the game Hurry get there player movement.

For the player movement of the game Hurry Get There! We used a sprite from a website called “The Spriters Resource” (The Spriters resource, 2020)

The sprite obtained from the source is a simple car object PNG format image. 

A further development of the final game sprite is going to occur in the next couple of weeks.

Aso, a  simple GameObject was created to simulate the terrain of the game. The terrain of the game has not been developed just yet but is in a creation process. 

Figure 1: Sprite of a car sample from The Spriters Source

The first step to animate the car player object was to import a PNG image file to Unity then change the format of the spritesheet to multiple by slicing it up. 

The next step was to put the car parts together in the scene and add some components to the player game object to interact with the wheels (Wheel Joint 2D, Rigidbody and Colliders). It is not necessary to address these components in this Devlog but it is important to mention it for enthusiastic users who want to know a bit more about the game process. 

Figure 2: Car Gameobject with components implemented.

Then for the Player Movement component, we used a script  from a previous tutorial and modified it to control the direction of the car in the X and Y axis. 

The tutorial material (script) helped us to understand and be the base of the final player movement script for this game.  

In the script, we set the movement of the car with the Keycode of a keyboard. This means that we use the keycode “D” for moving forward and “A” for reversing.

In the script, we also control the speed and torque of the car and from where the acceleration force comes from in this case we attribute the force of acceleration to come from the back and front tires (4x4 experience).

Figure 3: Terrain and Player Gameobject.

Some feedback received from students and users state that the animation of the Player gameobject needs to be improved as the wheels aren't aligned to the body of the car (Chassis). 

We also received some feedback on the idea of improving the movement feature of the gameobject to be more precise and not just keep on rolling in the scene when pressing the brake keycode “A”. 

In conclusion, some improvement needs to be implemented to maximise the experience of the game. 

A future update in the animation of the car will be implemented, improving the look of the car tires in relation with the chassis and the improvement of the speed response of the game object.


The Spriters Sources. 2020. MK.2/ Super Jeep.

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