Basic Level Blocking

Basic Level Blocking:

In this devlog, we will be explaining a basic ideas of the game level  and the interaction between the player and the inviroment ( objectives, enemies and items). In Hurry Get There!, the terrain we used is based in Sprite Shade with a terrain Sprite 2D obtained from (TheSpriters Resource).

Figure 1: Sprite Texture 2D

First I imported the Sprite 2D to the scene, then we create a Sprite Shape controller and profile. I used the Texture 2D from figure 1 in the Sprite shade. The game terrain uses hills therefore I costumized the angle range and added the surface texture sprite . 

Figure 2: Sprite Shade Profile

 Then I used the Edge Collider 2D for the player to interract with the terrain. I notice some parts of the map been a bit rough while driving throught it so I adjusted some details of the ground.  I recently received some feedback in regards of the terrain and the interaction of the player with the terrain. The overall features of the terrain seems to work but a few details needs to be implemented to improve the gameplay, smoother ground ( the slope of the hills can be improved) also, the the layers of the player car parts can be improved to be more realistic. 

Figure 3 : Terrain in Sprite Shade and Edge Collider 2D.

Once I finished with the level scene I continue by implementing the game objects such as: Fuel jerry cans, coins for points and debris such a rocks ( DogToo64, 2020). 

Figure 4: Material layout.

After Implementing the objects into the game scene, I created a simple script for the player to recognice the fuel items in the scene. The player will consume certain amount of fuel depending in the distance travelled.  A canvas UI imagine was created to represent the fuel in the top right corner.  Some work needs to be done to improve the description of the canvas UI.

Figure 5: Fuel and coins

Reference List: 

 DogToo64, 2020.  Miscellaneous.

 The Spriters Source, 2020.

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